Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Those Darned Brick Walls

I seem to keep running into them. I continue to ride this roller coaster of emotions as apraxia becomes a part of every day life for us. I was encouraged to be on my way today to the Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics office to set up our first appointment and get the paperwork going for Alex. I am convinced if we can get an "official" diagnosis from a specialist then we can pursue getting insurance coverage and summer therapy. I hit today's brick wall when I got there an asked to set up an appointment and I was told that the doctor was not only closing his practice but he was moving to a full-time office on the military base and wasn't taking any new patients. We are not military. This doctor is the ONLY doctor of his kind in our whole city, the fifth largest city in our state I might add. What's wrong with this picture? The girl at the front desk didn't have any idea what apraxia was, much less knew of any other doctors of this kind to recommend to us. I asked where he was sending all of his patients and she said that most of them were just going to be cared for under their regular pediatrician. Well, lucky us... this doctor IS our regular pediatrician. So, we're going to lose him as a primary care physician too. I felt like I was at another dead end. Ok, God, so this is not the doctor you want us to see. So, where do we go from here? I left our phone number with the receptionist in hopes that the doctor might call us with a referral. We shall see.

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