Tuesday, August 21, 2007

My big Kindergartener!

Wow, so much is happening in the life of my sweet five year old! You know those teeth that were wiggling at the dentist? Well, shortly after that visit, one night as usual we went to brush Alex's teeth and much to my surprise, one of those teeth were missing! I showed Alex his missing tooth in the mirror and asked him where it was. Come to find out, he had swallowed it! He said, "so that's what that was!" LOL Silly boy. He didn't even know he had lost a tooth, much less that he had swallowed it! So, no saving his first lost tooth for the baby book.

My baby boy had his first day of Kindergarten. No tears for Mom, but lots of prayers to get me through the day. Alex was so excited, and when I picked him up that afternoon he told me that he had the "best first day of Kindergarten EVER!" Such a sweet boy. The teacher said he did terrific. Right now they are doing some placement testing, but next Monday starts his first full week of Kindergarten. Look at how grown up he looks all ready for school!

Alex went last week for his first monthly speech therapy consult with a new therapist. She seems great and Alex did well at participating. I was glad to know that based on his previous testing, he has still continued to make progress with his speech at home. We are to work on words that require lots of air, specifically the "sh" sound this month. Alex will definitely be challenged by this one. Soon, he will be getting 30 minutes twice a week of small group speech therapy at school, and have a once-a-month consult with the private therapist. Hopefully this plan will work well for my little guy. He is doing so well and hopefully his apraxia won't be too much of a hurdle for him at school.

I also want to thank those of you who visit Alex's blog and go on to comment with your words of encouragement, or just to share your story about your own apraxic child. Please save our blog and check in from time to time. I'd love to hear from you again! Or, feel free to email me at luvmy2angels@aol.com.