Thursday, March 17, 2005


I learned today a little bit about what STEP training is. It stands for Support and Training for Exceptional Parents. Classes start next month. The purpose of STEP is to support families by providing free information, advocacy training, and support services to parents of children eligible to receive special education services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). We can ask questions, and have discussions as well. I will definitely plan to attend. My main interest will be ESY, extended school year services... getting Alex therapy during the summer. I have a folder full of links in my favorite places to research about ESY. Surely, someone can help me get through to these people how important it is that Alex have therapy this summer. I feel like pursuing this is useless. This is so frustrating.

As I picked a happy Alex up from school today, I spoke briefly with the speech therapist. She said at this point that Alex had received therapy in a group setting, but she had not worked with Alex one-on-one yet. WHAT? So, he's been over five weeks with no one-on-one therapy, and next week is spring break. This is just wonderful!@?#$%&*

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