Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Getting more therapy...

Alex's speech therapist is out for the week (so no therapy, again), but I did run into her for a moment as classes were changing today. She said that we should have another IEP meeting at the end of this school year to put in place an education plan for Alex for the next school year. That plan will not only include his participation in the developmental preschool four days per week, but also one-on-one speech therapy twice a week for 30 minutes. All I can say is I'm very pleased that he will be able to receive both services through the school system. I only regret that it can't start sooner. It took some effort on my part to keep pushing and asking questions, but the services are there and so is his need for them. I have learned that as a his mother, I have to be his voice, his advocate. He's counting on me.

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