Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Individual Education Program (IEP)

Today was Alex's IEP meeting. It went extremely well... much better than the first one. I explained that my biggest concern as a parent was that Alex receive the most appropriate, intensive therapy program that meets his individual needs as an apraxic child. A continued goal is for Alex's speech intellibiblity to improve. The IEP paperwork goes on to explain his strengths which stated that Alex is functioning above age equivalency in the general knowledge and comprehension domain. He is able to identify six colors and at least two shapes when requested. He knows quantitative concepts and can classify categories up to a five year old age level! (WOW!) He scored at an age of 2.8 (two years, eight months) in Adaptive Skills. Communication skills was a little more difficult. His overall score was at a 2.4 age level. That was a combination of the expressive and receptive skills. He is actually only at an age level of 1.10 (one year, ten months) for expressive speech. He scored a 3.4 in general knowledge and comprehension. Alex is 3.3 years old. Alex will be receiving the extended school year (ESY) summer preschool service. His special education services starting in the new school year will include the four day a week preschool. It will be the same class and same teachers as he has now. Each class is 3 hours long. He will also receive speech therapy for 30 minutes twice a week outside the classroom. I am so pleased. Everything is finally falling into place through my dedication and prayers. I am hopeful that Alex will make great gains with his speech very soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Susan, I'm so happy to read this great news! It has made my day! I think we've both learned that we are our children's best advocate. Great job, Mom!
