Monday, August 08, 2005

Insurance Struggles

I am heartbroken today as I opened a letter of DENIAL from our insurance company for speech therapy. Because we were misinformed about our coverage previously, we will now be stuck with footing the bill 100% for therapy services we've received so far. We'll also have to stop seeing our therapist because we cannot afford to keep going. I am so discouraged today. Where do we go from here?

1 comment:

Darcy said...

Oh {{{Susan}}} I am so sorry.
Does Alex qualify for any state funded help?? Here in California they have Early Intervention, and I know just from what I've been reading, Rachel will qualify for speech just because of her cleft. Anything like that in TN???

I'm sorry you've hit this bump in the road. But somehow you'll get through it. The Lord has a plan. You just have to keep trusting Him.

I'll be praying for you.