Friday, August 05, 2005

Another Hurdle

According to a phone call placed from the hospital (where Alex receives his private therapy) to my insurance company, Alex's speech therapy services were to be covered 90% with unlimited visits. Somewhere along the line, someone was mistaken. I received a statement from our insurance company for services totaling $540 that was not covered, not a single cent. Just when I was so confident that everything was working out well for us, we're facing another hurdle. We will continue to go to our therapy sessions and pray that God will work things out. Right now our insurance company is reviewing our evaluation results to determine if we are eligible for coverage. I hope we get things worked out soon. School will be starting next week and I really had hoped to get Alex's plan of education in place by the first of the school year. We'll be rewriting his IEP soon. Since receiving all the detailed paperwork from his Occupational Therapy Evaluation, we'll be asking for OT therapy once a week through the school system as well. I can't wait until things are in place and we can have some sort of structure to our days again. It seems like it's been up in the air for quite some time. Each day is different for me. One day I feel strong and confident, the next tired and unsure, though I will continue to walk by faith, even when I cannot see...

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