Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Apraxia? Huh?

Some of you may stumble across this blog and wonder "What is Apraxia, anyway?" I share a lot of great information in previous archived entries (menu on left column), but I recently found a great website that was full of useful and to-the-point information about apraxia and I wanted to share... Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center: Conditions and Diagnoses of Apraxia. It has a great write up explaining apraxia, as well as causes, symptoms and treatment and provides other apraxia resources as well. I wanted to point out a few things that I thought were of great importance. Check out the link for more details.

The website states that Verbal/Speech Apraxia is an oral-motor speech disorder that will NOT resolve without intervention. It is a MEDICAL PROBLEM that inhibits tongue, lip, and/or jaw function. Early diagnosis and treatment improves prognosis. Treatment should be frequent and intensive.

The diagnosis can come as a hard reality even to those parents, like myself, who suspected apraxia for quite some time. It was encouraging to read "generally, children beginning therapy by 3 years of age can enter first grade with at least fair speaking skills."

It is my hope that Alex can overcome this disorder so much so that it will not impact his life in a negative way, but only make him stronger, yet humble in spirit.


zoe said...

very cool - thank you for sharing. I wish you the best of luck overcoming this challenge!

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