Friday, February 11, 2005

I'm a BIG KID now!

Alex made it all night in his big boy underwear and still dry! After almost five years of diapering since my first child (and double-diapering for a while!), this is very exciting for mama! It's also a turning point. No more baby food, no more nursing, no more diapers, no more babies! My "baby" will be THREE years old on Monday! He still seems so much like a baby to me though considering his delays. When Sarah was this age, she seemed so grown up. I didn't see the baby fingers and cheeks that she still had, because she seemed so much bigger than Alex since HE was the real baby. I wished I had been able to appreciate it like I do with Alex. Alex still has that sweet baby smell and can still wear footie pajamas. I still want to kiss his little feet. Don't get me wrong... he's a big boy for his age. I guess mama's just trying to hang on to the last little bit of "baby" left....

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