Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Occupational Therapy Evaluation

We had a great day. Our appointment lasted almost four hours, but Alex was very cooperative and particpated well most of the time. Of course, he was able to do very active things that kept his interest such as draw, cut, run and jump among many other motor activities. We received a summary of results today, but we'll receive much more detailed paperwork regarding today's evaluation in the mail soon. Alex received a diagnosis of Muscle Incoordination and Sensory Processing Disorder. It is recommended that he receive occupational therapy once a week to address his areas of need, which were found to be mostly sensory related, and self-help or adaptive skills. I hope that we can coordinate having his occupational therapy within his regular preschool setting when school starts in the Fall. I should probably call for another IEP meeting to address these issues and put in a request for the school system to do their own evaluation as well. From what I understand, even with our new diagnosis', it still make take a while to get occupational therapy in place for Alex, so I better get the ball rolling soon. At least we are getting answers and we are on the way with getting appropriate therapies for him. That is encouraging. Alex had his speech evaluation last week, but we have yet to hear the results from this testing. I hope to hear something by tomorrow.

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