Friday, December 02, 2005

And The Why's Begin

From the time my Sarah turned two (now five years old) I can remember drowning in all of her "why's". Why mama? Why mama? WHY!?! Because of Alex's speech disorder, this is something that hasn't come easy for him. I'm sure he's been thinking "why" for quite some time, but just yesterday I asked Alex not to do something and he said, "WHY mama?" It came out just as clearly as that. I had to just smile and give my boy a hug. It's still amazing to me how excited I can become over such little accomplishments. I know how hard my boy has worked for the past two years in speech therapy. I'm so proud of him, and even thankful for the many "why's" to come!

1 comment:

Darcy said...

LOL. Isn't it amazing of the things we're thankful for when it comes to our children?? Good Job Alex!