Thursday, July 07, 2005

Some Intimate Thoughts

I stumbled across a wonderful quote today I wanted to share...

Stop telling God how big the storm is,
Instead tell the storm how big Your God is!

Wow, how many times have I cried out asking God why this is happening to my baby. I know in my heart there has to be a plan... God's plan for his life. I keep reminding God how big our "storm" is asking him to heal my little boy. I will continue to be hopeful and faithful in prayer. However, my prayers are changing somewhat. I am learning to be more patient and realize that God will work things out in His timing and not necessarily the way I would have wanted. I still don't understand it all, and I can't see the "big picture", but I trust that God has given me this very special child whom I love with all my heart. Ultimately I want this journey to give Him glory. So we'll take the next step into the next day and see where God takes us and blesses us along the way.

1 comment:

Darcy said...

Oh Susan, I love that quote! It's so true!