Saturday, July 23, 2005

New Therapist

Alex's therapy appointment this week consisted of more testing. This time it was for receptive language delays which he sailed right through. He stayed on task very well and went way beyong what is age appropriate. Since we know we were going to have a scheduling conflict starting in a few weeks with our current appointment time, the therapist wanted to go ahead and put us on the waiting list for a time that worked better for us. She said it would mean a possible three or more week wait period, but just as we walked in the door at home from our appointment the phone rang with great news... we start with a new therapist on Monday mornings at 10 AM. Alex will attend preschool Tuesday through Friday, so he won't have to miss school, and we'll have plenty of time to get to our appointment once we drop off big sister at Kindergarten. I truly believe God's hand is in all of this. He's answering prayers and things are finally coming together. It's amazing how much has happened in just a few short months. I can't wait to see what the next year will bring!

1 comment:

Susan said...

Nancy, thanks for visiting Alex's Journey and for your words of encouragement!