Thursday, June 08, 2006

Enjoying Summer

Wow, what a FUN summer we're having so far! We returned from the beach today. Tired and a little sun-kissed, but we had a fantastic vacation! The kids have been busy enjoying swimming lessons as well. Vacation Bible School will start soon. All of these activities have cut into Alex's speech therapy appointments. I wouldn't worry so much except that I can always tell he has a harder time when he has had a break from therapy. He has developed such a character and sense of humor through is speech and keeps the family in stitches. Here are a couple of my favorite beach shots of Alex. The ones where he actually looks into the camera he "cheeses" WAY too much, so the natural poses actually turn out to be my favorites. Enjoy!

And, the three of us...


Anonymous said...

HIi Susan!! Great pictures...and a great start to summer!! What did Alex think of the sailboat??

I went to see my Florida Grandchildren...the time went way to fast....

Keep up the great work..enjoy your hectic summer...I will be stopping back!

Bren said...

Susan, The pictures are wonderful! It looks like you all are having a great start to your summer break... and it's well deserved!
Keep us posted and enjoy your time with the kids.

Darcy said...

Looks like a wonderful, wonderful time. I love the pic of the three of you. The kids have gotten sooooo big. Tell them to stop it!!! LOL.

Hugs to You!

Susan said...

Thank you, ladies, for checking in on us and always for your encouraging words! We are having such a great summer, but it has kept me super busy! I hardly have the time to post HERE, much less get around to checking out all of my favorite blogs, such as all of yours. I'll try to stop by soon. Hope you all are having a great summer too! Great to hear from you! God bless you all!

Anonymous said...

Hi Susan!! I think we all understand how busy you are!! What precious years these are right now...enjoy all moments!! You will turn around once and they will be adults themselves.

Take care and "Happy First Day of Summer to you and your Family!!"


heiresschild said...

hi susan, thanks for sharing your pics with us of your beautiful family. enjoy your children. enjoy summer. enjoy life. we'll be here when you get a chance to check back in.

i want to put music on my site also so when people blog there, they can hear and feel the peace thru the music like i do here. would you give me the instructions when you have a chance? there's no rush. thanx.


Anonymous said...

Hi Susan!! I hope you had a great Fourth of July.

Great family time...did Alex like the fireworks????

Continue on with your great work, and my prayers are always with you!!
