Friday, October 07, 2005

Sad Day

I am overcome with so many emotions today. I do not want to accept that today was Alex's last day for private therapy with our wonderful speech therapist. We received another letter of denial from our insurance company, and as the bills have piled high already, we simply cannot afford to keep going at this point. I do trust that this whole situation is within God's control and He cares about it. He cares about my little Alex. It's so hard sometimes when you don't understand why things aren't going as you would want them to. God's plan is bigger and better. I must continue to believe that. This isn't over yet. We cannot afford to give up. Alex will most likely need YEARS of therapy to overcome this disorder. I'm so proud at how much he's learned in just the last few months, but we still have so far to go. I was so confident in the therapy he was receiving from our beloved "Miss Kate" and we will miss her terribly. I am SO thankful that God put her in our lives, even for such a short time as this. At this point I simply don't know what else I can do, but I will continue to pray for strength and guidance to keep going in this journey. Thank you to those of you who have offered up your own prayers for us.

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